Groups - United Church
United, Church, United Church, Maryland, MD, Owings Mills, Iglesia, Baltimore, Baltimore County, UnitedFOR, Reisterstown, Owings Mills High School
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Join a Group!

God doesn’t call us to follow Him alone. He gave us the Church so we could learn more about Him, follow Him, live on mission, and be a light to the world together. This happens in a variety of contexts as we build friendships, study the Bible, love one another well, and serve the community together. One of the ways we do that at United is through groups. Check out all group offerings below:





Young Adult Lunches

Sundays @ 12:30PM | Weekly | Reisterstown

Young adults

Share a meal after our Sunday gathering and build friendships. This is a great, easy first group to jump into!

Leonard Community Group

Sundays @ 12:30PM | Bi-Weekly | Reisterstown

Coed, Families, Intergenerational

Share a meal after our Sunday gathering, build friendships, and talk about the message together. This is a great, easy first group to jump into!

Stevenson University Girls Group

Mondays @ 7PM | Weekly | Stevenson University

College Age Girls

Build community with others, study the Bible, and follow Jesus together.

Young Adult Guys Group

Mondays @ 7PM | Weekly | Reisterstown

Young Adult Guys

Build community with others, study the Bible, and follow Jesus together.

Young Adult Ladies Group

Mondays @ 7PM | Weekly | Reisterstown

Young Adult Ladies

Build community with others, study the Bible, and follow Jesus together.

Ladies Group

Mondays @ 7PM | Weekly | Reisterstown


Build community with others, study the Bible, and follow Jesus together.

Franklin High Young Life Campaigners

Tuesdays @ 7PM | Weekly | Reisterstown

High School Students

Build community with others, study the Bible, and follow Jesus together.

Men’s Group

Wednesdays @ 9AM | Weekly | Reisterstown


Build community with others, study the Bible, and follow Jesus together.

Schultz Community Group

Thursdays @ 7:30PM | Weekly | Reisterstown


Build community with others, study the Bible, and follow Jesus together.

Kite Community Group

Thursdays @ 7PM | Weekly | Reisterstown


Build community with others, study the Bible, and follow Jesus together.

Black Community Group

Fridays @ 7PM | Weekly | Reisterstown


Build community with others, study the Bible, and follow Jesus together.

Renno Community Group

Bi-Monthly Gatherings


Build community with others, study the Bible, and follow Jesus together.