United Kids - United Church
United, Church, United Church, Maryland, MD, Owings Mills, Iglesia, Baltimore, Baltimore County, UnitedFOR, Reisterstown, Owings Mills High School
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Hey United Kids Parents! We’d love for you to join us for our Sunday gatherings and time with kids, and we also encourage you to take time each day to spend time with your kids praying and in the Bible.


We seek to serve families a few different ways:

  1. We offer clipboards, crayons, a coloring page, and age-specific message notes every week at our Kids’ Table for families who desire to keep their kids in the main worship gathering.
  2. There is also a room available for parents to take their young children into if they are not in our Birth-Preschool environment. The message is live-streamed into this room.
  3. There are Sunday morning environments for children Birth-Preschool and K-5th grade as described below.
  4. We offer groups that parents can jump into and groups that are family friendly where you can bring your kids along. Check out our Groups Page here.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Lily Wolf at lily@unitedchurchmd.org.



We have a weekly Sunday morning environment for children birth-preschool. We encourage parents to serve once a month in this environment. During our time together, we’ll have time for play, a Bible story, a memory verse, and an activity page. As birth-preschool is a wide age range, we have multiple leaders in the room who are able to meet different children where they are and determine what will serve them best!

Elementary (K-5th Grade)


For K-5th grade, we meet about three times a month. We also ask that parents of elementary kids serve in this room once a month. It is a great time for kids to build friendships, open up the Bible together, discuss what they’re learning about Jesus, and memorize Scripture. The final Sunday of the month, we intentionally have kids gather in the main worship gathering with their parents. We provide message notes, specific to different ages, to help you teach your kids’ how to listen and learn from a message.