We believe in following the command in Hebrews to “not forsake gathering together,” and as a result follow the example of the early Church in gathering to hear teaching from the Bible, to sing to Jesus, to exhort and encourage one another, and to serve together.
Jesus invites us to come as we are, but He also calls us to repentance and heart change. Once we are in Him, we are a new creation, constantly being conformed to the image of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe that we are each called to grow in our walks with God individually through regular reading of the Scriptures and prayer, and by gathering together for study and discipleship.
Everything we have comes from God – our time, our talents, and our treasure. As a result we want emulate the heart of our generous Heavenly Father and give it back to Him, giving of these things to the local Church and to the things we know God has a heart for, according to the Bible.
Jesus came and died for our sins, but He didn’t stay dead. He rose again and when He rose again, He commanded His disciples to go into all the world and share the good news of the gospel with others. Therefore, as a Church, we want to live individually and corporately, on mission for Him.