United Prayer and Fast - United Church
United, Church, United Church, Maryland, MD, Owings Mills, Iglesia, Baltimore, Baltimore County, UnitedFOR, Reisterstown, Owings Mills High School
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United Prayer and Fast


We are beginning 2025 with a church-wide Prayer and Fast, January 7-9, asking God to have His way in our hearts, our church family, and our community and world.

Everyone is invited to join in for all, or a portion, of this and to gather for prayer together January 7, 8, and 9 in the evenings at 7PM in the auditorium.

There are two questions to be thinking about as we head into these days:

  • What do you want to see God do in your life personally in 2025?
  • What do you want to see Him do in and through United in 2025?

(For those wanting specific prayer for healing, we will be spending time on that tomorrow, January 7.)

If for some reason weather impacts any of these prayer gatherings, we will send updates accordingly.

We are excited to see all God will do in these three days and in 2025.