Servefest - United Church
United, Church, United Church, Maryland, MD, Owings Mills, Iglesia, Baltimore, Baltimore County, UnitedFOR, Reisterstown, Owings Mills High School
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Not a Sunday off, a Sunday to serve!


Sign up to serve the community on Sunday, August 11 @ 10 AM.

Afterwards, enjoy food and games together at Northminster Campus.



Sign Up

Alpha Pregnancy Center

Various projects around the center (10 spaces)

Blessing Bags, Foster the Family Backpacks, and Water Bottles

Assembling homeless care packages and back-to-school backpacks, and labeling water bottles for outreach (20 spaces)

Car Wash

Give FREE car washes to community members at Northminster Campus (20 spaces)

Community Crisis Center

Organize the storeroom and package food (7 spaces)

Donut Drop Offs

Bring donuts and thank-you notes to organizations & businesses in our community (8 spaces)

Franklin High

Landscaping and trash pick-up (15 spaces)

Owings Mills Elementary

Landscaping, planting, and trash pick-up (15)

Reister’s Daughter

Gift customers free coffee on us and start gospel conversations (6 spaces)