02 Jul A Little Q & A
We are exactly three months from our official launch date and couldn’t be more excited!
With everything going on, we recently sat down and had a Q&A time where people could just ask questions–from broader principles, to underlying values, to community engagement, to location details, and all the way to the ins and outs of Sunday morning set up.
Below are the questions that were asked and the conversations we had around them. If you have any questions that are not answered below, feel free to email me at tim@unitedchurchmd.org!
What is our mission?
We exist to help people connect to God.
What is our vision?
We strive to be a church for people who don’t go to church.
What are our values?
Our culture is defined by five cultural values–being all inclusive, being engaged and present in the community, serving others, pursuing growth, and being for the next generation. Living according to these values will create a place where you can belong before you believe. If you are a follower of Jesus or are interested in learning more about him, you are encouraged to pursue three things: being captivated by Jesus, cultivating a relationship with him, and then activating it by going out, sharing that with others, and serving them.
What do Captivate, Cultivate, and Activate look like practically?
Captivate: Attending and participating in the Sunday morning service; making the decision to be baptized; and engaging in daily devotions or daily time with God
Cultivate: Walking through a growth path class that outlines the importance of captivate, cultivate, and activate; participating in groups; being discipled by someone and discipling someone else
Activate: Join a volunteer team, tithe generously, and live in the SENT strategy (Start with prayer, Eat a meal together, iNvite them to United, and Tell your story)
Where will we meet for weekly services?
We will meet at Owings Mills High School for weekly Sunday services, beginning October 1.
Where in Owings Mills High School will we meet?
In their auditorium that seats just over 200 people. Two classrooms and the upstairs cafeteria will be utilized for children’s environments. An overflow room will be used if we are over capacity.
What time will service(s) be held?
We will launch with a 10:35AM service, and we have plans for a second service within the first year.
Will we be involved with the school?
Yes! We are very excited to be in this school and partner with them. Over 30 languages are claimed as a first language across the student population. We will be partnering with different school programs and finding ways to establish mentorships, help families coming to this area acclimate and build relationships, assist in training and tutoring for speaking English, and serving the food pantry that will be starting soon. At our August Reimagine Church Night, a staff member from the high school come and share ways that we can be involved with the students there.
Will school events affect our ability to meet?
Yes. There will be a few Sundays a year when we will not be able to meet at the school. On these Sundays, we will either meet somewhere else or go serve in the community.
What will the set up time for Sunday services look like?
Set up will begin around 7:00AM, give or take a half hour.
How long will Sunday services be?
Anywhere between 60-70 minutes.
How many people are currently on the launch team?
Seventy-two people, including adults and children have committed to help launch United Church. Let’s continue to grow that number!
How can I help?
Come out for our July 9 Reimagine Church Night to hear how you can use your gifts to help! We will be talking about the value that motivates why we are Activated. During this time, we will explore (1) how God has wired each of us and (2) opportunities to join a volunteer team.
How can I be sharing the story of Jesus, and the mission and vision of United, with those who don’t know Jesus?
Write the names of the people who live in the houses that surround yours. Ask yourself: Do I know my neighbors? Knowing your neighbors and connecting with them is a key part of being connected to our mission and vision.
Come out to #UnitedFOR events
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and read any email updates sent out for specific ways to jump in or pray for United.
What can I be praying for?
Pray that people who don’t go to church will connect with United. Pray for the church to be multi-ethnic and reflect the demographics of Owings Mills. If there is one place in the world that should look diverse, it should be the church because Jesus prayed that the kingdom would come here on earth as it is in heaven. It will be diverse in heaven!
What are we #UnitedFOR?
We are #UnitedFOR you, for your family, and for this community. United is a new church starting in the area that wants to be known for what it’s for instead of what it’s against.
Have elders been determined?
A management team, made up of leaders from our supporting churches will serve as provisional elders for the first 3-4 years.
How will elders be determined in the future?
Year 2 or 3, we will begin the process of appointing and training elders. They will not be staff members, but will be people who are active in the church and pursuing all aspects of our Captivate, Cultivate, Activate path. The lead pastor will serve as an elder on the team.
Will we take communion?
Yes, every week.
How often will there be baptisms?
Whenever someone would like to be baptized, we will schedule it.
Will there be mission trips in 2018?
We sure hope so! We plan to learn from Community Christian Church (our sending church), connect with some of their partners, and plan to develop partnerships of our own.
What will be available for middle and high school students?
There will not be specific programming for students when we launch. We would love for students to participate in all aspects of the church and really be the church. As the church grows, so will programming specific to students.
What will groups look like in the coming months?
Groups will be transitioning out of homes and into the community—going on “field trips” and social outings, attending events, and getting involved with #UnitedFOR.
Are you looking for an assistant pastor?
We are currently looking to hire a church planter resident who will serve alongside the lead pastor, do some team teaching, learn what it takes to plant a church, and eventually be sent out to continue starting new churches in the area.
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