05 Jun James Pt. 11
In James 4:4-5, we see a strong admonition and challenge to put God first in our hearts––for Him to have our allegiance instead of the world. ...
In James 4:4-5, we see a strong admonition and challenge to put God first in our hearts––for Him to have our allegiance instead of the world. ...
In this teaching series, we walk through the book of James. Today, we look at James 2:14-26 and how we are not saved by our works, we are saved by faith; but, works are the fruit of our faith, so faith that does not result in...
In this message, we have a guest speaker from our friends at The Gabriel Network share about a verse that has impacted how he lives on mission. ...
This year, we are walking through the Bible in a year – reading through it during our daily time with God, and revisiting key passages during our Sunday gatherings. Today, we look at the prophets Elijah and Amos. We see common themes that are all throughout...
Two questions for you: What are you known for? When your name comes up in conversation, what do people say? What is the church known for? When people talk about Jesus or his followers, what words do they use? Too often, the church is known by what it’s...
When we look at Jesus’ life, his followers asked him many questions about life and connecting with God. Through the Bible we not only get a look at these questions but at the replies of Jesus. One day, his followers asked him how to pray and...
Did you know that 400,000,000 children live in extreme poverty? That’s a lot of zeros. 400,000,000 also don’t have access to clean drinking water, resulting in 4,000 preventable child deaths a day. Just let that sink in for a second. It’s easy to look at...
It’s Tuesday. And, for those of you whose hearts have been captured by the Pearson family and their story on This Is Us, you’re probably mourning this as the first of many Tuesdays where there isn’t a new episode on NBC at 9/8 central. Without a doubt,...
So no one told you life was gonna be this way? Your job’s a joke. You’re broke. Your love life’s DOA. It’s like you’re always stuck in second gear. And it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month, or even your year. But, when you have...
Today is the last day of January. Some of you are thinking: Longest. Month. Ever. Others of you are shaking your heads thinking: Where did the time go? And, you’re realizing you should possibly get around to taking the Christmas lights down. We’ve spent this whole month walking...